A Better Word

An Open Letter to Church Leadership:

With current issues that are happening in our beloved continent of Turtle Island (North America).
I would like to start some dialogue around how we deal with the emergency quadrants within our society.

I am a Mohawk man that has received discrimination extensively! I am white looking, but grew up on the Rez(Reservation). The worst thing you could be called at my, Quinte Mohawk School, was a white man.

As I grew up I found racism as a token Indian, within the camp of Christianity. I know that I have been used to advance an agenda of certain denominations. Whether to open a gate or stand in the gap or whatever the charismatic lingo was of the day.
I am not complaining, I really do love my Pentecostal and Charismatic roots, I am merely explaining and setting the stage.
I would say that I am really quite healed and still accept token invitations, knowing that mostly their hearts are pure and wanting the Kingdom of God to come, so I facilitate.

(Please hear what I am saying, not what I am not saying. Many of you who have brought me to minister out of our Kingdom relationship, that we have built, thank you.)

I am A proud Mohawk, who was exclusively of the Human Race, but now I am of the Race of Royalty according to the book of Revelation. I am now a citizen of heaven. I am no longer just of the mere race of man. According to my New Birth, I have become one with the Spirit of The Living God, according to 1 Corinthians 6:17. I am the Many Born after the Likeness of the First Born. Jesus was the Last Adam. Last means Last. I am no longer under the Adamic curse because my New Birth started with Jesus! Born of water and then born again according to the Spirit.
Our answers as Ministers of the Kingdom should come from outside of the trappings of the time space continuum. We must get our answer because our focus is on the things above where Christ is seated not from earthly reasonings.
Col. chapter 3:2.

All that said…

We as leadership in the Kingdom of God must have better solutions than just knee jerking reactions to a messed up world. We must pre-act so we don’t react. We must have correspondence with Holy Spirit so we will be able to have a better response to all situations. For most of you all, I’m speaking to the choir, but please bear with me.

The blood of Abel is still crying out from the earth for… JUSTICE!!!
But according to Hebrews 12:24, the Blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ speaks a better Word!!! The Lord shared with me, as I was meditating on these matters, “If you want a better Word hang out at My Mercy Seat, where Jesus sprinkled His blood… His Blood is always speaking a BETTER word!!!”

There is a narrative that the world is trying to infiltrate into the mindset of Kingdom culture!
So we must have a resolute mindset, that we are here to shift and change culture, NOT to be relevant!
Is it good to be relevant, sure, as long as we are not compromising the integrity of the Word and Mission of God!
We are salt and light according to the Words of Jesus Christ! Meaning we bring the Flavour and bring the illumination of the Gospel, which is the better Truth!
His blood is speaking a BETTER WORD from The Mercy Seat!
We cannot allow ourselves the luxury of getting caught up in the affairs of men! We cannot fight on the same level as the world and expect to win the world with discussions that only placate to an issue, instead completely changing the atmosphere with a far more superior word from the Lord!

We cannot take sides in issues!
Like Joshua, in Joshua chapter five, where he asks the angel of the Lord, who’s side are you on? The reply reverberates right until this vary moment! “Neither!...”

As Joshua that day, we must choose to bow to the will and purposes of God! We must choose God over our parents, children, spouses and that includes even our cultures. This is not necessarily easy for me as I was raised to fight for my peoples rights and be a proud Mohawk. Please understand we can advocate and be intercessors for our cultures and spheres of influence, but not at the cost of idolatry. We cannot put anything before Him!

Leaders, don’t be drawn into first heaven warfare, with it’s dictates from the second heaven demonic realm!
We must have a Better Word, from the Third Heaven!
A Better Word from the Throne Room, Mercy Seat and Heart of God!

What I am saying is, you came here to make a difference, not perpetuate a problem by getting caught up in pop culture.
Please do not allow yourselves out of a good heart, give platform to doctrines of demons!
Get a Word from the Lord and prophesy THAT! Your first call is not relevancy, but CONTRAST! We must have a BETTER WORD with greater application!

So here we go...
There is ONLY One race on the earth, The Human Race! Period! According to the bible in Acts 17, He made from One Blood every nation of the world.
Racism comes when we see ourselves superior by saying that we are of a different race. When there is NO distinction, because there is only one race here on earth, biblically and that is The Human Race!
So according to Acts 17, Race is determined by BLOOD, not colour, creed or culture!
Please hear my heart, culturally I am a proud Mohawk man, of The Human Race, but because the Blood of Jesus The Christ and the indwelling of Holy Spirit, I am Now of a Royal Race.

My human culture does not make me better, just beautifully different!
We need to celebrate all the beautifully different ethos of the world. Is it ok than to celebrate your culture and to even be proud that you’re an American, Italian or Guyanese? Yes of course it is, but when we elevate our culture at the expense of another culture, that is wrong.

So, don’t let the world set the rules of engagement, the narrative, the script or the construct in which we have to live by and debate upon!
Rather, LOVE BEYOND KNOWLEDGE and be prepared with the Word of The Lord to bring a better answer to this hurting world! Guess what?
Everybody may not agree with us, but as long as we are delivering the Truth in love and in the timing of the Lord, is all we can do.

Final thought from Colossians 2:8 in TPT, “Beware that no one distracts you or intimidates you in their attempt to lead you away from Christ’s fullness by pretending to be full of wisdom when they’re filled with endless arguments of human logic. For they operate with humanistic and clouded judgments based on the mindset of this world system, and not the anointed truths of the Anointed One.”

Much Love to Y’all,


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