You Are Loved

By Barry Maracle

I Am… Loved. This Who I am.

Pardon me? If you don't mind, I would like to introduce myself to you in 3 words... I Am Loved!

The reason I am what I am is because at the core of my being..."I AM LOVED!”

You were created because of Love, by Love for one purpose... To be Loved!

You Were Loved FIRST

Before you were created you were loved!

You have been pre-wired and predestined to be conformed into the image of the most creative, awesome, loving being... EVER!!! Believe & Receive!

Love is the CORE

I am Loved. So "being Loved" as the core of my DNA makes me an action reVerberating not a reaction waiting to happen.

I am, LOVED (verb), so I can BE LOVE (noun).

We must become generous receivers of the Revelation that we are Loved! Out of that flows the fountain of a Victorious Life.

The Game Changer

No addiction, environmental restraint or weakness can contain you when you come to the realization that at the core of your being is, YOU ARE LOVED.

The Game Changer in life is when you can receive who you truly are. You are Loved!!!!

The definition of your Identification cannot come from what you do, but from who you are! The base of your DNA is that you are Loved.

The question, “Who Am I?” can be summed up in one word... "Loved!"


Is there not a spoken word?!


The Overcomers Part 2