2024 “The Abundant Entranceway” 

Ever since last November 2022, when we were privileged to attend the Global  Prophetic Consultation and Summit with Cindy Jacobs and so many Generals and people of the Global Prophetic Movement, I’ve gained significant incites from the Lord.  

2 Peter 1:10 & 11 stands out as a directional template as we step out of the times of Psalms 23 and into the NOW season of Psalms 24.  

2 Peter 1:10 & 11  Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; 11for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior  Jesus Christ.  

First let us look at the times of Psalms 23, which was the past 4 years,  culminating in 2023. 

2 Peter 1:10  Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for  if you do these things you will never stumble;  

2023, has been the final preparations, to make our callings and elections sure! God was not kidding when emphatically said to me personally, “I WANT MY  CHURCH BACK! I AM TIRED OF MY CHURCH PROPHESYING ABOUT PROPHECY  AND WORSHIPPING WORSHIP!”. We have been under the scrutiny of Heaven. The Church was being shaken like never before. 

As a Prophetic company, coming into the Decade of Pey, cresting 5780, we were so excited to be coming into the decade of declaration. Then 2020 shows u, and everything on the planet gets shut down. We were shut away from God, our thoughts, addictions, and facing a brand new climate. The reset was pushed and we entered into times of death. 

Yes, death. Death to lifestyles, death to the way it used to be, death to positions,  freedoms, etc etc etc.  

God presented us with a choice and gave us times of repentance. We were on so many global calls of masses of people repenting and reconsecrating their lives. It was the death of the flesh and carnal Christianity! We were being led through the valley of the dead, mentioned in Palms 23, and we were asking God for the grace to repent all the way through. 

Ladies and gentlemen, the global shutdown was for us.

Everybody was talking about how the devil was doing this and the enemy was doing that and we began to buy into the evil ones narrative as many Christians were divided into different camps.  


The remnant was still marching forward right through the valley of the dead and was going through, The Beautiful Death!  Death to agendas, death to pride, death to hereditary curses, death to strongholds, death to idols, and death to the flesh.  

For me personally, I have been taken to the woodshed several times and I am so grateful. He has been so patient, kind, merciful, understanding and so loving.  As I cried out for mercy and grace to repent, over the last 4 years, God began to show me sins of omission. The places in life where I was missing the mark and didn’t even know it.  

I am looking at the best Barry I have ever seen, yes He is graciously still Working on me, but I have this fresh perspective of Jesus Christ and what He did for me that I am more passionate, more in love, and have seriously prepared for this season of Psalms 24! 

Please be diligent to not be distracted because the Lord is coming in another wave of His Glory through the OPEN DOOR, like never before. I won’t spend much time on this, as there are a number word’s already circling around about the Open Door, but I will add this.  

We are currently in 5784 and we are about to enter into 2024, which in Hebrew is,  Pey Dalet. The very breath of God, RuachHakodesh is about to come through the  Open Door. 

Revelation 4:1, After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in  heaven, and the first voice which I had heard, like the sound of a trumpet  speaking with me, said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place  after these things.”  

2 Peter 1:11, for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  That has been prepared for us, because of consecration ourselves and making our callings and elections sure, an abundant Entranceway/Doorway/Gateway into  The Everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! 

We are going up into the realms of Glory as we transition from times of repentance to seasons of the Supernatural. We are about to go into more encounters than ever known on the earth. Signs and wonders, miracles, and the raising of the dead will almost be a common occurrence as more and more people are going through the Open Door of The Lord. 

Then about halfway through 2024, there will be positioned upon the tops of the spheres of influence around the world, Kingdom people who have repented and have been continuously encountering the Glory realms. They will begin to open up their gates and lift up their everlasting Doors and call forth the King of Glory to come in.

Saints, He is coming at that invitation and that without remedy! He will not come in a pre-sense as in past times, but this is a season of His essence. The weightier glory will bring blessings of great joy great prosperity, and judgment at the same time. People will rejoice and mourn at the same time, they will be so grateful for the wealth transfer, but sad for family and friends who did not heed the warnings of our exceptionally merciful God. 

We have been praying for over 2000 years, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, and in and around June 2024 will be an Apex moment in time as things shift into the hands of the remnant Church. We will begin to operate in an unseen before Apostolic Royal Authority.  

It will be the great and terrible day of the Lord. It will be glorious times with revival fires accelerating around the globe with a fresh revelation of the price that Jesus Christ paid for His glorious bride.  

We are in the most exciting times in human history!  

Arise, Shine, and take your place, for the billions of billions of souls are about to come in.

Asking the Lord to give us eyes to see the Abundant Entranceway!  

Much Love,  

Barry Maracle


The Shout of the King


Is there not a spoken word?!